Reading Minds

Q: I've heard tales of your psychic powers.If you can read minds, then tell me what I'm thinking right now.

I would also like to know what some of the other bloggers are thinking.

Especially Eddie Waring and Manuel.

MJ Stenchtrench Canada

Dear MJ

My powers are not to be used for frivolous acts of frivolity, how can I exist on a higher plane than everyone else when cunts like you are dragging me into the minds of primitives ? now I know how God feels when needy fuckers pray to him.

What you are thinking at the time of this writing is, "tits, sucking Fenian cock, insulting Piggy and shooting up between yer toes so no one sees the marks."

I made the mistake of going into Eddie's and Manuel's mind once.

One Saturday 3am LA time Eddie must have been pursuing his hobby of ornithology as he was obsessed with getting a look at some great tits .

When I traveled into Manuel's mind I believe he was in the act of having sex with some person or thing. He was having trouble climaxing until he remembered the large tip given to him by an American tourist earlier in the day, that released his blockage and I was in a coma for 3 days.

I shall never again go to those depraved minds, did you know Eddie enjoys spitting and screaming insults while love making and Manuel asks if everything was to their satisfaction? it never is, one track mind those two lads have, disgusting.

Firstnations Obsesses about her dried midget collection and spying on neighbours having sex .

Paddy searches for his purple talking Unicorn without trying to appear crazy as he is on his last warning for the nut hoose.


The Mistress said...

That's exactly what I was thinking!

You should hire yourself out as a psychic detective to the cops. Your powers could benefit all mankind.

May I have a look at your dowsing rod?

Old Knudsen said...

I knew you were going to say that, send me some pictures to make my rod twitch.

The Mistress said...

I have a switch I can take to your rod.